Estate Planning

How to Create an Estate Plan that can be Quickly Modified

Market value and tax laws are the things that never stay consistent. Hence, you also need to be prepared to amend your estate plan according to the variations. Talking specifically about the COVID era, we have experienced and are still experiencing uncertainty in politics and markets. To help you with the current circumstances, this article

How to Create an Estate Plan that can be Quickly Modified Read More »

Dangers Associated with Transfer on Death Accounts

Transfer on death accounts designate the beneficiary recipients who would receive the assets after the death of the real account holder. Once the transfer on death account is created, the assets pass on directly to the assigned beneficiaries as the owner passes away. Transfer on death accounts helps avoid probate, but they must be coordinated

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4 Crucial Estate Planning Decisions to Make While You Are Still Healthy

Death and disease are topics that no one likes discussing, especially when it is about themselves. As much as it seems uncomfortable, it is vital to engage in adequate estate planning. This would ensure that your loved ones don’t have to go through any undesirable conditions while your health begins to decline or you pass

4 Crucial Estate Planning Decisions to Make While You Are Still Healthy Read More »