How Much Should You Disclose to Your Estate Planning Advisor?

Your estate planning advisor needs to know the crucial details about your case to formulate the best possible estate plan. Also, you ought to be straight away honest with your advisor.

If you’re not honest with your estate planning advisor, you will have to face some serious complications or can even make the advisor start the process again from scratch.

Just so that you remember, here is the list of the important details you must mention to your estate planning advisor.

Family Issues

You might find it difficult to discuss with your estate planning advisor, especially if you are facing any challenging situation. However, an experienced and knowledgeable attorney can get you through the process with ease.

Apart from that, the advisor needs to know about any child support you pay, whether you have any former spouses, or about any legal agreements.

Health Issues

People are generally hesitant to talk about their death. As uncomfortable as the conversation may get, it is equally important that your attorney gets into the details about your health, whether you are fighting a deadly disease or any other fatal health condition.

Only by knowing such details, the attorney would be able to incorporate necessary information, and you will receive the estate plan that meets your eventual goals.

Undisclosed Assets

All the assets that you own should not be hidden from your estate planning advisor. If you do it otherwise, the situation may lead to further complications such as failure to handle existing assets.

Don’t forget to mention any alimony you might receive and talk about your life insurance policies.

Contact a Knowledgeable Attorney

If you are unsure about what to disclose to your estate planning advisor, a knowledgeable estate planning attorney will make sure to listen to your concerns. Contact Keystone Asset Protection and Estate Planning today and choose the best for yourself.